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September 11, 1984

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Diary Entry - 09/11/1984

Tuesday, September 11, 1984

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Met with Congressional leadership about defense budget etc. I’ve never seen them so Gung Ho & high in their optimism about my winning in Nov. They’ve just returned from being home campaigning. Then a Rose Garden ceremony to award Gold medal posthumously to Hubert Humphrey. His widow recv’d. it & Hubert Jr. spoke—he’s a Repub. I dont know what was with Pres. Carter—this medal was voted by Congress in ’79. Did a 10 minute press availability in Press room—most Q’s were on meeting with Gromyko—which I announced—only 2 on Mondales plan to reduce the deficit. I thought that would be the big issue & I was loaded for them.

Met very pleasantly with Lord Carrington who is new Sec. Gen. of N.A.T.O. I think he’s going to do well.

An N.S.P.G. meeting— [. . .] Another issue has to do with possible shipment of fighter jets from Bulgaria to Nicaragua [. . .] Third item also unresolved as yet—how to help El Salvador intercept arms to rebels from Nicaragua.

Had a good meeting with farm state Senators & Reps. Was able to announce we’re upping the Soviet grain agreement by 10 mil. metric tons. A later meeting with Sens. & Reps. from Steel states wasn’t so happy—they are really lobbying for protection Quotas on imported steel. It’s a decision I have to make in the next 2 weeks. Home for the evening.