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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 06/16/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-16-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss differences of opinion regarding an upcoming nuclear missile test.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting to discuss the situation in the Persian Gulf.

View the President's Schedule
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Regular staff meeting—I approved David Ruder of Northwestern U. as Chairman of the S.E.C. [Securities Exchange Commission]. Then we talked about lunch I’ll be having up at the Capital with Repub. Senators.

N.S.C.—a little difference between Cap & George about an upcoming nuc. missile test. Geo. wants to announce it as in keeping with SALT II treaty which we’ve said is no longer binding. Cap wants to just go ahead & forget SALT II. On this one I lean toward Geo.—not because of the treaty but because we’re on a kind of friendly basis with Soviets leading toward the arms talks. Just learned we have a new Ambas. from Israel. This has been hanging fire for 6 months—an argument between Shamir & Perez.

A farewell photo with Michael Putzel—Wash. bureau of A.P. & his wife & 2 children. He’s now going to head the Moscow bureau for 2 yrs.

Then over to E.O.B. to speak to & do Q&A with Regional Ec. Press from around the country. It went OK. Some desk time then up to the Hill for Sen. lunch. A short speech & Q&A. Weicker had the gall to question me—I think I did him in. Back to the W.H. for an N.S.P.G. meeting re the Persian Gulf. We have some Congressmen stirring up popular sentiment against our presence there.

Finally my sneeze shot & then addressed about 400 people in East room. It was meeting of Repub. Congressional Leadership Council Reception. Upstairs—Nancy was entertaining Steve Lawrence & Edie Gormé. I stopped in for a few minutes & then headed for the gym. Early to bed.

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