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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 06/15/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-15-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes an Address to the Nation on the Venice G7 Summit.

  • President Reagan meets with Vice President George Bush to discuss Senator Joe Biden's bid for the Presidency.

View the President's Schedule
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1st meeting Ken D. & the V.P.—Howard late getting back from Tennessee. Some talk about Sen. Biden—now Cand. for Pres. I saw him on CNN last night speaking to the John F. Kennedy school at Harvard U. He’s smooth but pure demogog—out to save Am. from the Reagan doctrine.

Then N.S.C.—Ambas. Kelly (S. Korea) here—He gave some info. on the current student riots there.

A meeting with bipartisan Cong. leaders—Byrd, Jim Wright, Bob Michel, Bill Armstrong etc. We talked mainly about the budget & the Dems. of course took no blame for the deficit. I sort of corrected them on that with the 50 yr. history of deficit spending under Dem. control.

Personal Staff time til after lunch then a haircut & upstairs for rest of afternoon. A phone call to Jeanne Kirkpatrick in France to thank her for a fine column about me.

Tonite 8 P.M. I addressed the Nation on T.V. about the Ec. Summit. Just before dinner I called Jack Kilpatrick & thanked him for his part in the Agronsky show.

The broadcast went very well & upstairs to bed.

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