Diary Entry - 06/14/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Vice President George H.W. Bush.
President Reagan calls Representative Robert Michel, the call is broadcast over the PA during a fundraiser for Michel.
Israeli troops and tank units encircle Beirut, Lebanon, trapping PLO leaders and thousands of guerrillas.
Finally the sun & a horse back ride. Bill C. & Mike D. came up to Camp David. The Al H. situation is coming to a head. I have to put an end to the turf battles we’re having & his almost paranoid attitude. George B. came by at 5 P.M.—same subject. Then at 6 P.M. we had an N.S.C. meeting on the Lebanon situation. There is a possibility the separate Lebanese factions can unite—get Syrians & Israelis out of their country & disarm the P.L.O. Al H. made great good sense on this entire matter. It’s amazing how sound he can be on complex international matters but how utterly paranoid with regard to the people he must work with.