Diary Entry - 05/06/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Democratic Members of Congress to discuss the bipartisan budget resolution.
President Reagan meets with Ambassadors, Secretaries, and advisors to prepare for the upcoming visit by the Prime Minister of Japan Zenko Suzuki.
All twenty-one crew members are killed when a US. missile tracking jet explodes in the air near Frederick, Maryland.
More meetings with Cong. These Demos. are with us on the budget and it’s interesting to hear some who’ve been here 10 years or more say it is their 1st time to ever be in the Oval office. We really seem to be putting a coalition together. Working Lunch with Al, Cap, Ambass. Mike Mansfield, Bill Brock etc. briefing on P.M. Suzuki’s visit. A little friction—Cap wanted a more hard nosed approach about their doing more in defense etc. Al & Mike thought we should not pressure him but try to win his friendship. This time I have to disagree with Cap.