Diary Entry - 05/05/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State Alexander Haig to discuss the Secretary's successful meeting with NATO to discuss the placement of Theatre Nuclear Weapons in Europe.
President Reagan receives correspondence from Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin regarding holding back Israeli strikes in Lebanon while the President works on a peace settlement.
P. M. Begin sent a letter by way of Israeli Ambass. in answer to my request that Israel hold off on the Syrian Missiles in Lebanon while we tried to bring about a settlement. His letter gave us the go ahead. Then I met with Habib. We asked him to come out of retirement and undertake a special mission to Syria, Lebanon & Israel. He’s on his way. Al Haig back from a most successful N.A.T.O. meeting in Rome. They have agreed to [5 lines crossed out] accept Theatre Nuclear Weapons on their soil & are convinced we are willing to negotiate with the Russians. Clincher Al said was when he showed them a copy of my handwritten letter to Brezhnev. Spent rest of my time meeting with Demo. Congressmen.