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Visit StoreApril
April 05, 1987
Approved 10 individuals for Medal of Freedom—3 are posthumous. Lv. at 2 P.M. for Ontario Canada—back tomorrow around 5:30 P.M.
Arrived Ottawa 3:30 P.M.—Met by Gov. General of Canada Jeanne Sauve & her husband Maurice also Sec. of State Joseph Clark & our Ambas. Niles. A ceremony in Hangar—I inspected honor guard & a brief welcoming speech in response to Gov. Gens. remarks. Then onto the Gov. Gen’s. residence Rideau Hall—our residence for brief stay. A brief meeting & photo op. with Gov. Gen. a charming lady.
Then P.M. Mulroney arrived & he & I had a meeting—touching on matters we’d take in the subsequent meetings.
Then upstairs to get into Tux for dinner with about 126 guests. Exchanged toasts—evening very pleasant.