Diary Entry - 04/06/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney to discuss the defense budget.
President Reagan returns to the White House from his trip to Canada.
The Dow Jones industrial average closes above 2,400 for the first time.
Meeting 9 A.M. with John Turner leader of the opposition party & Sec. Shultz & Charles Bouchard Policy leader of opposition.
About 9:30 meeting over—left for Parliament Hill. Signed books for both houses of Parliament then a meeting in P.M.’s office. About 10:30 a plenary meeting in Cabinet room. It went well & I think we resolved some difficult problems having to do with Acid rain, Arctic waters sovereignty problem & defense budget.
Lunch was a working lunch at the P.M.’s home—further progress made.
From there it was on to Parliament Hill where I addressed the parliament—exceptionally well recv’d. Heckled once by a socialist who heads up Canadian Homosexual organization.
Then to the airport where I thanked Am. Embassy staff. Finally the farewells and airborne for Wash. Arrived 5:25 P.M. at Andrews. Dennis & Maureen were here for dinner & overnight.