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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 04/06/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-06-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney to discuss the defense budget.

  • President Reagan returns to the White House from his trip to Canada.

  • The Dow Jones industrial average closes above 2,400 for the first time.

View the President's Schedule
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Meeting 9 A.M. with John Turner leader of the opposition party & Sec. Shultz & Charles Bouchard Policy leader of opposition.

About 9:30 meeting over—left for Parliament Hill. Signed books for both houses of Parliament then a meeting in P.M.’s office. About 10:30 a plenary meeting in Cabinet room. It went well & I think we resolved some difficult problems having to do with Acid rain, Arctic waters sovereignty problem & defense budget.

Lunch was a working lunch at the P.M.’s home—further progress made.

From there it was on to Parliament Hill where I addressed the parliament—exceptionally well recv’d. Heckled once by a socialist who heads up Canadian Homosexual organization.

Then to the airport where I thanked Am. Embassy staff. Finally the farewells and airborne for Wash. Arrived 5:25 P.M. at Andrews. Dennis & Maureen were here for dinner & overnight.

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