Diary Entry - 12/31/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan enjoys a round of golf with Secretary Shultz and Ambassador Price.
The President and First Lady attend the Annenberg's annual New Year's Eve ball.
Robert Mugabe is sworn in as Zimbabwe's first executive president.
Some morning bill signing & a meeting about our future plans with George Scharfenberger who has been managing our blind trust. Then a buffet lunch with other additional guests who have arrived such as Ambas. C. Price, Wicks etc.
After lunch a golf game with Walter, Geo. Shultz, & Charley Price. I was terrible & again did not keep score. George & Charley had a match—one dollar a hole going.
And then the annual New Years eve ball. It was great—better than ever. Dolores Hope, Dinah Shore & Francis Bergen sang some songs of our time. Bob Hope told some jokes & then it was midnight & Old Lang Syne.