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Diary Entry - 12/31/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan enjoys a round of golf with Secretary Shultz and Ambassador Price.

  • The President and First Lady attend the Annenberg's annual New Year's Eve ball.

  • Robert Mugabe is sworn in as Zimbabwe's first executive president.

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Some morning bill signing & a meeting about our future plans with George Scharfenberger who has been managing our blind trust. Then a buffet lunch with other additional guests who have arrived such as Ambas. C. Price, Wicks etc.

After lunch a golf game with Walter, Geo. Shultz, & Charley Price. I was terrible & again did not keep score. George & Charley had a match—one dollar a hole going.

And then the annual New Years eve ball. It was great—better than ever. Dolores Hope, Dinah Shore & Francis Bergen sang some songs of our time. Bob Hope told some jokes & then it was midnight & Old Lang Syne.

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