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December 17, 1986

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Diary Entry - 12/17/1986

Wednesday, December 17, 1986

View the President's Schedule

Cap W. came by for a meeting in the situation room. It was an update on S.D.I. and a proposal that we deploy partially about 1993—not the finished system but 2 stages that will give us a partial defense but more important valuable information for completing the system. There are some problems but I’m inclined to go forward with it.

After lunch an ec. council meeting on the farm problem & on a job training plan for jobless who are that way because imports or industrial changes had eliminated their jobs. We’re talking about some $400,000,000. One suggestion was a .2% import fee to pay for it. I’m opposed. This would begin a breakdown of our ban on a tax increase.

George S. came into the Oval O. for our regular visit. He touched on several items including trips he feels he must make & state visits here by P.M. Shamir (Israel) & Pres. Mubarak of Egypt.

It was a light day & I gave the Dr. a pint of blood to hold for my operation January 4th.

Late afternoon Stu Spencer dropped by with Mike Deaver. They are good friends & honestly want to help me but I cant agree with their recommendation—that the answer to my Iran problem is to fire my people—top staff & even cabinet.