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December 16, 1986

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Diary Entry - 12/16/1986

Tuesday, December 16, 1986

View the President's Schedule

An N.S.C. meeting on the Midget Missile. I’m afraid we’re stuck with a $40 Bil. program the military doesn’t want & I dont want. Congress tied the small missile (mobile) to the 2nd 50 MX missiles. We couldn’t have the MX’s unless we agreed to go forward with the Midget.

Right after lunch a GOP Leadership meeting—House & Senate. It was a good discussion of how we all saw the St. of the Union Address & the agenda for the coming year. Don R. not present he was testifying before the Durenberger Sen. committee. It turned out he took their Q’s for 5 hours. This meeting was followed by a full Cabinet meeting to discuss the budget & the St. of the Union Address & of course some talk of Iran. They all felt I should not—volunteer to appear before any of the committees.

Dropped by a meeting of about 35 big donors for the President Dinner (April 29). This is big the fund raiser for House & Sen. Campaign ’88. Boone Pickens is chairing it. A taping session and then at 6:15 downstairs for the Secret Service reception—a receiving line of about 300.

Early in the day I had Larry S. read a statement to the press asking Cong. to grant immunity to John P. & Ollie North so they can testify & get this d--n thing over with. By late afternoon I learned the Dem’s. say no. They want to keep this going for a year if they can.