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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 12/10/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives a promise from General Secretary Gorbachev to halt arms flow into Nicaragua.

  • President Reagan participates in several meetings throughout the day with General Secretary Gorbachev before his departure back to the U.S.S.R.

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1st meeting—brought word I may not be able to do my annual trip to Palm Springs for New Years. If the Sen. keeps playing games with the Bud. Deficit bill I may veto & Cong. wont be able to have it’s Xmas recess. (Please dont let that happen.)

N.S.C.—urged me to hit Gorby with need to halt arms flow to Nicaragua & to urge him to get Vietnamese out of Cambodia. I got him to agree on Nicaragua when he & I took a walk across the lawn.

Our teams have been meeting literally around the clock & great progress has been made. One trouble spot has to do with ship & submarine launched cruise missiles & how you can tell nuclear ones from conventional.

Then it was meeting time 10:30 A.M. But a call came he was in a meeting at their embassy & would be 15 min’s. late. He finally arrived at 12 noon. We met in the Oval O. for 15 min’s then I walked him around the lawn & into the W.H. for a working lunch. And we did work—while others on our team were back in the W. Wing putting finishing touches on Joint Communiqué. Farewell ceremony was slated for 2 P.M. on S. Lawn. Geo. S. left lunch & went back to West Wing. At a few minutes to 2 Gorby & I went into Red room to join Raisa & Nancy.

Then word came the West Wing workers hadn’t finished & needed to see us—by now 5,000 spectators were jammed on South Lawn waiting for us.

Well finally 40 min’s. late we went out on the lawn where it was raining. If we’d been on time we’d have missed the rain. Well at last it’s over, they’ve departed & I think the whole thing was the best summit we’d ever had with the Soviet U.

I finished up in the Oval O. signing proclamation making this Human Rt’s Day, in the presence of 15 refugees from all over the world. This is an annual affair.

Upstairs for rest of afternoon & dinner then back to Oval O. for T.V. speech on summit—to the Nat. Speech went on at 9 P.M. just as Gorbys plane was lifting off at Andrews A.F. Base.

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