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December 10, 1985

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Diary Entry - 12/10/1985

Tuesday, December 10, 1985

View the President's Schedule

Human Rights Day & the beginning of Human Rights week. Began the day with a meeting—the Dem. & Repub. Cong. leadership. Spent most of our time on the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings bill which later in the day I found had made it’s way out of the Conference. Not as good as we would have wanted but still a bill I’ll have to sign.

Some of the time we talked tax reform. I’ve done a lot of telephoning all day & still dont know whether it will pass. Bud M. back from Eng. & his meeting with the Iranian “go between” who turns out to be a devious character. Our plan regarding the hostages is a “no go.”

Had a bill signing—the appropriation for mil. construction. Then at E.O.B. a meeting with & speech to a Human Rt’s. group. I signed the proclamation making this Human Rt’s. day.

Saw off 4 of our Ambas’s. & their familys one of them good friend Bill Lane who is off to Australia. The annual photo with our Social mil. aides in the East Room & then after dinner the annual Congressional W.H. dance.