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December 08, 1988

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Diary Entry - 12/08/1988

Thursday, December 8, 1988

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First meeting upstairs here with Colin, John, Ken & Bea. Main thing was that the Gorbachevs are returning to Russia today because of the tragic earthquake there yesterday. He has said the deaths might well go into the 1000’s. We phoned him in N.Y.—I did my goodbyes etc. & offered to be of help if we were needed. Then Nancy got on for a farewell to Raisa.

Then a pre news conf. briefing in the family theatre. Desk time in the office & lunch. My lunch was clear broth & jello & tea. Brkfst was a ginger ale & tea—Dr’s. orders. Last night I upchucked my dessert—the last time at 3 A.M. I feel very much OK now but I obeyed the Dr’s. orders.

At 1:30 I met in the cabinet room with N.A.M. executive board. They’ve been very supportive. At 2:00 over to E.O.B. to speak on & sign the proclamation of the year to Human Rt’s. Then in Oval O. more brf. for tonites press conf.

Over to Dr. Huttons office—other Dr’s. there. We got a bit of tomorrows annual check up done. Then Nancy & I did photos for News Week & upstairs—desk time til dinner then the press conf. in the East Rm. It turned out very well. They seemed more friendly & all of our gang thought it was great.