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December 07, 1986

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Diary Entry - 12/07/1986

Sunday, December 7, 1986

View the President's Schedule

Radio script was on Iran. I admitted there were mistakes in the implementing of policy but not in the policy itself.

Then we walked over to use the new exercise bldg. built by the Sea Bees for the men stationed at Camp D. It’s all equipped with weights etc. and is a fine job. I met the detachment which is now headed for their base in Gulfport Miss.

Sun. we got an early start for home because of reception at 5:20 in W.H. for Arts honorees at Kennedy Center. They are Lucille Ball, Ray Charles, Hume Cronyn & Jessica Tandy, Yehudi Menuhin & Antony Tudor. The usual receiving line (350) then presentation of honorees in East Room. Ted & our people have finished the Xmas decorations and the W.H. is a fairy land—indeed the theme is “Mother Goose.”

Almost forgot had a call late Sat. nite—conf. call with Geo. S., Admiral Crowe & Al Keel. I OK’d providing U.S. helicopter transport to 400 Honduran troops to a point near Nicaraguan border. The Sandinistas had crossed the border & attacked a Honduran base—some casualities. I gave an immediate go ahead & slept like a baby.

Sun. nite—the annual Kennedy Awards. A reception in the East Rm. as always. This time the guests were Lucille Ball, Hume Cronyn & Jessica Tandy, Yehudi Menuhin, Ray Charles & Antony Tudor. Upstairs for a hasty dinner then over to the Kennedy Center for a very fine entertainment.