Diary Entry - 12/06/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with members of the Hoover Institute about the President's possible Presidential Library in Stanford, CA.
President Reagan receives a replica of the Heisman Trophy, the first person to ever be made an honorary Heisman Winner.
The President and First Lady receive a Belgian sheep dog from Ms. Kristen N. Ellis.
Had the Repub. Leadership in for the whole load on our budget cuts. They took it pretty well although they expressed a desire to study some of the cuts & maybe they’d have a suggestion or two. We explained this was a working paper & that our Cabinet was reviewing it also and that we wanted their suggestions. I told them to please not go out & tell the press our proposal couldn’t get passed: that I would take our case to the people & they certainly had made it plain they wanted us to do what we’ve been doing. Good meeting.
Doug Flutie—Boston C.Q.B. Heismann Trophy winner came for a recognition of his honor. Then I was presented with a replica of the trophy & told I was the 1st person to ever be made an honorary Heismann Winner. Glenn Campbell & Marty Anderson (Hoover Inst.) came re our Presidential Library at Stanford. I know I’m Pres. but I cant get used to hearing that $90 mil. will be raised to build the Library & Museum. A briefing on our international steel situation. Some of our trading partners aren’t playing fair.
The March of Dimes poster child visited us. She—(Kristen Ellis) was the sweetest, most appealing little girl—a Spinal Bifida victim—10 operations—the 1st hours after her birth. Her family with her—the room was filled with love. She brought us a present—a black 10 wk. old Sheep dog. There’s nothing so warm as a cuddly puppy.
Taped a tribute to Joe Coors—did an interview with Human Events. Like a cloud over everything is the hi-jacked plane in Iran. It looks like they’ve murdered 2 Americans—officials in our A.I.D. program. Iran is if anything an irresponsible participant on the side of the Terrorists.