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December 04, 1986

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Diary Entry - 12/04/1986

Thursday, December 4, 1986

View the President's Schedule

Usual meetings—mostly on latest stories—the Iran mess. Then a briefing for meeting with Pres. Arias of Costa Rica. And then a meeting—usual format—15 min. in Oval O. with his foreign minister & Geo. S. There is a great bond between our 2 countries. Costa Rica was the 1st true democracy in the Latin American countrys & to this day has no army. It was 4 yrs. ago today that I visited Costa Rica.

After the Oval O. we moved to the Cabinet room for plenary meeting with our staffs.

They are having some ec. problems plus we’re trying to be of help. Pres. Arias has been most out spoken leader in Latin America against the Communist Govt. of Nicaragua. He’ll be meeting with different depts. tomorrow.

Met with Frank Carlucci for a photo & welcome aboard. He’s already chosen his deputy—a Black General in our army who is believed to be on his way to being Army Chief of Staff.

Bob Dole came in. He has worked it out with Byrd to not have a Special session called. Sen. will create 1 special committee to hold hearings on Iran.

Time with Bob Tuttle to OK some appointees. Press Sec. Larry Speakes came in to submit his resignation. He has a great job—pub. relations on Wall st. with the big Wall st. finance co. He was followed by Carlton Turner head of our anti drug program. He’s resigning to have more time with his family—2 young children—feels he has the program (drugs) well started.

Bobbi Fiedler—cong.woman who lost out trying for the Sen. in Calif. She came to Wash. in the ’80 election when I did. She was always a great supporter. Upstairs for a meeting with Mike Deaver, Bob Straus, & Bill Rogers. They stayed til dinner time while I picked their brains on the Iran mess.