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December 03, 1984

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Diary Entry - 12/03/1984

Monday, December 3, 1984

View the President's Schedule

Asst. Sec. Crocker who has been doing a great job in Africa shuttling between S. Africa & Angola came in to report. It looks like progress is being made in a most difficult situation.

We had 2 sessions of the Bud. Core group about 4 hours in all, whacking at the bud. We still have a ways to go to reach our goal of $45 Bil. in cuts for ’86 but we’re getting there.

Dick Wirthlin reported on his latest polling. Very interesting. Saw singer Lou Rawls who is putting on a T.V. show to raise money for the United Negro College Fund.

A Bi-partisan Congress group reported on their journey to the famine zone in Ethiopia. They saw enough suffering to do them for the rest of their lives but they’ve come home determined to get more help for the victims.

Roy Brewer came by & I greeted a dozen new comers to the W.H. press corps.

My main problem right now is what I can do about Bud MacFarlane. He’s as irreplaceable as any one could be. He’s an 80 hour a week man & I keep trying to get him to spend more time with his family. He feels he can only do the job on his present schedule. Result—he feels he must leave out of fairness to his wife. I hope we can work something out.