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December 03, 1982

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Diary Entry - 12/03/1982

Friday, December 3, 1982

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Off to Bogota Colombia. Had an advance copy of toast he would deliver at lunch. It was a little harsh with a tone of resentment toward the “Colossus of the North.” He has talked of recognizing Cuba & not being a satellite to U.S. etc. Met us at airport—again full honors & troop review. A large group of Americans were there and warm in their welcome. Helicoptered to Square to place a wreath at statue of Simon Bolivar. At Palace he & I (plus interpreters) met alone. He spoke of previous visits by Am. Presidents (J.F.K. last) and how nothing came of it. This gave me a chance to say I came to ask questions—what were our problems & how could we solve them. Told him of my dream for the W. hemisphere: That we had a common heritage of coming to this land from all over the world & that from pole to pole we worshipped the same God. He told me of his poor beginnings & I told him of mine. Then I pointed out—we were now the Presidents of our countries; That I wanted this kind of opportunity for everyone in all the Americas. By the time we did the farewell ceremonies at the airport I believe we were real friends. We flew on to San Jose Costa Rica. Same formal ceremonies. This was my 3rd meeting with Pres. Monge. I went on to Hotel Cariari where I had a meeting with Pres. Magana of El Salvadore. We spoke of need to emphasize their pursuit of human rights so we could continue to help.