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December 01, 1988
And again a 10 A.M. start. A. B. came in with more on the North case. Judge has asked independent council Walsh to tell him what the info. blocked from use in trial is. This may force a drop of 2 of the charges.
U.N. voted 151-2 against us on Arafat—England abstained. Bud. Review Board rejected N.A.S.A.’s request for further increase. We’ve already proposed a 21% increase plus a 22% increase next year. Mil. is asking for 4% pay raise—we’ve offered 2%.
N.S.C.—Soviets have stopped jamming radio broadcasts such as Radio Liberty & all the others. They have also announced they are releasing 120 pol. prisoners.
Then on P.F.I.A.B. (Anne Armstrong) & several others came in to report. They have been working with C.I.A. on a matter that goes back 25 yrs. [. . .]
Foreign Min. Uno of Japan in for a short visit. Brought me letters from P.M. Naboru Takeshita & ex P.M. Yasu Nakasone—old friends. We really have established a good relationship with Japan. Some desk time then my annual visit by a dozen Rabbis presenting me with a Menorah. They are the friends of Lubachev—it is the season of Hanukah. Lunch with the V.P. He’s really torn about the choice for the Sec. of Defense. I couldn’t help him. Then photos with 51 appointees of mine. A meeting with Robt. Anderson who is working on a program dedicated to the American Horse on a 23,000 acre preserve in New Mexico. More desk time—then a trade briefing—Clay Y., Brady, Dick Lyng & a few others. V.P. also on hand. Bob Tuttle—short list of appointees to commissions. Then some photos—with departing S.S. agents & their familys, a mil. aide etc. Over to the Dr’s. office to look at my hand—the Dupreyton Contraction. It should be operated on—I suggest early Jan. Upstairs, exercise, shower & leave for Jack Kemp dinner where I join several others in before dinner speeches. Then back to W.H. for 8 P.M. dinner & beddy bye.