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December 01, 1982
To the Palacio de Planalto for the meeting with the Pres. We hit it off very well as I knew we would from our meeting in Wash. Ambassador Motley interpreted. I told the Pres. I was there to seek his advice as to how we could realize my dream of an accord between the nations of S.A. & N.A. He responded instantly. [. . .] We moved into a meeting with all his ministers & our Cabinet members. Arranged to have ministerial level meetings re all our problems—trade, nuclear, military etc. Changed into riding clothes & went to his ranch. His home there is modest but his stables & horses are fantastic. He is a collector & showed great ingenuity in displaying sculpture, antique spurs, swords etc. I rode a cross between a T.B. & a German Hanover—18 hands. A great horse—twice Nat. Champion in Brazil. He insists on giving it to me & I’m not about to refuse. Lunch was a B.B.Q. All in all a great day. That night a reception for members of Cong. & then a dinner.