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Diary Entry - 11/30/1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan departs for his trip to Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica.

  • President Reagan is welcomed by President Figueiredo of Brazil with full military honors.

  • U.S. submarine Thomas Edison collided with a U.S. Navy destroyer in the South China sea.

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A busy few hours in the A.M. & then at 11:30 out to the S. Lawn & Marine 1. Then A.F.1 for the next 8 1⁄2 hours. Most of the trip was over the Atlantic & the Caribbean. Finally approached land—Guyana S.A. & on to Brazilia. Pres. Figuereda was there to meet us with full mil. honors—review the troops etc. The motorcade to the Palacio de Alvarado was interesting. We drove on a deserted Blvd. past miles of landscaped open space seeing city lights all around in the distance but no feeling of being in a city of 1 1⁄2 mil. people. The Palacio was meant to be the Presidents residence but he lives at his ranch. I dont blame him. The Palacio is like a public building not a home. You could believe it was an insurance co. H.Q.—extremely modern.

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