Diary Entry - 11/30/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan departs for his trip to Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica.
President Reagan is welcomed by President Figueiredo of Brazil with full military honors.
U.S. submarine Thomas Edison collided with a U.S. Navy destroyer in the South China sea.
A busy few hours in the A.M. & then at 11:30 out to the S. Lawn & Marine 1. Then A.F.1 for the next 8 1⁄2 hours. Most of the trip was over the Atlantic & the Caribbean. Finally approached land—Guyana S.A. & on to Brazilia. Pres. Figuereda was there to meet us with full mil. honors—review the troops etc. The motorcade to the Palacio de Alvarado was interesting. We drove on a deserted Blvd. past miles of landscaped open space seeing city lights all around in the distance but no feeling of being in a city of 1 1⁄2 mil. people. The Palacio was meant to be the Presidents residence but he lives at his ranch. I dont blame him. The Palacio is like a public building not a home. You could believe it was an insurance co. H.Q.—extremely modern.