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November 28, 1984
Called John Stennis (Sen.). He’s at Walter Reed Hosp. to have a leg taken off at the hip—cancer. Met with the Cab. working group on bud. cuts. Dave Stockman presented a case to bring the deficit down to 4% of G.N.P.—then 3% & by ’88—2%. It is a really draconian cut including elimination of scores of govt. programs entirely. Frankly it’s time to reverse the course of the last 50 yrs. but I cant help but be suspicious that Dave made it so tough hoping we’d turn instead to a tax increase. Well I wont. Met with Geo. S. re the upcoming arms reduction talks. We agree that since Chernenko has talked as I have of total elimination of nuclear weapons that should be our goal in the negotiations.
Had a visit with representatives of the Alzheimers Disease Foundation. Yasmin—daughter of Rita Hayworth (a victim) was with them. She is a fine young lady totally dedicated to the cause. Went upstairs to do homework & select a pile of books to give the Antacosta High School Library.
Tonite the Sen. Repub. Unity Dinner. Bob Dole has just been chosen as new Majority Leader.