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November 26, 1985

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Diary Entry - 11/26/1985

Tuesday, November 26, 1985

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Get away day. At 9 A.M. we lifted off the S. Lawn—we being Lucky & me. Lucky is on her way to her new home in Calif.—Rancho Del Cielo. A.F.1 was a new experience for her & never did quiet down. Of course I sweated the hours out worrying about a possible biological problem. She made it all the way without a boo boo & we went down the steps at Point Mugu to be greeted by the top Naval Brass & their wives plus a good sized crowd plus the press with cameras clicking. Then in front of all—Lucky proved she was a healthy dog. As one Navy Captain said—“better there than on the helicopter.” A call from Pres. de la Madrid of Mexico, some brush cutting with Barney & Dennis & of course some paperwork as always. Problem of the moment is the House Ways & Means version of Tax Reform. It’s being studied by our team in Wash. & I’m looking at a thick stack of figures. There is a great question as to whether I can accept this. Then my first night ever to be at the ranch without Nancy.