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Visit StoreNovember
November 25, 1981
Fell right into the routine—horse backing in the A.M., work in the afternoons except a couple of times when it rained. Then Tues. of course was the Barbara Walters interview which turned out fine though the day was cold and windy. Thanksgiving turned out rainy but inside dinner went well with Bess & Moon, Maureen & Dennis, Patti & Peter Straus about whom she is very serious. Through the weekend with better weather for riding & cutting up more downed limbs. There were of course the usual phone calls re Israel, Dick Allen, Lebanon etc. Called Phil Habib—he’s now on his way back to Lebanon. Security very tight even at the ranch. A “hit band” is supposed to have crossed into the U.S. by way of Canada with me, George B., Al Haig & Cap W. (any or all) as targets. (Our friend in Libya). Here it is Mon. and we’re home by way of Cinn. Ohio where I did a fund raiser & then on to Wash. Spent the flight writing a speech for tomorrow at the W.H. Conf. on Aging. Jim Rhodes was on hand full of info.—a lot of it good as usual. Tomorrow it’s Oval office again.