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November 23, 1988

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Diary Entry - 11/23/1988

Wednesday, November 23, 1988

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Up & into riding clothes but no go. First fog rolled in & before breakfast was over the rain came. A load of homework arrived—mainly bill signing plus 3 vetos. One was the much discussed “Ethics Bill.” It’s a lousy piece of legislation. Every Cabinet member said veto & a few Dem. members of Congress have gone on record favoring veto—Dingel & Rostenkowski the 1st 2. Looks like an indoor day. And it stayed that way. Dennis here for lunch. Rain set in for most of afternoon. So it was homework, bill signing, vetoed the controversial Ethics legislation. Kathy sent me a bunch of speeches I’d done back in the 60’s & 70’s when I didn’t have speech writers & a Xerox of my handwritten script of 1980 inaugural address.

A couple of calls from Ken D. & one from son Mike. Then dinner in front of T.V. Watched “War & Remembrance,” 8:30 to 11 P.M.—then to bed.