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November 20, 1981

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Diary Entry - 11/20/1981

Friday, November 20, 1981

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To the Cong. Library to dedicate a display honoring our 4th Pres. James Madison—1st monument to him in our nation. Met with Al Haig on upcoming meeting with Sharon—Israeli Defense Minister. Pres. Nimeiri of Sudan. Good meeting—he is supportive of Egypt & the Israeli peace talks. We’re helping him. Interview by People Mag. both Nancy and myself. Then met with Gov’s Thompson (Ill.) Milliken (Mich.) Quie (Minn.) & Dreyfus (Wis.). They are really having it hard—industrial states with unemployment above nat. average. Our cuts of course have worsened their problems yet they remain steadfast in their support of our program. Gov. Calvo of Guam came in—he is running for re-election. I’ve taped a T.V. spot. Idaho Cong. delegation came in with 7000 names on a petition asking us to stop silver sales by treasury. We may be closing down mines & smelters by what we’re doing. Home for a quiet evening.