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November 18, 1988
Into the office at 10 A.M. Discussed bills I’ll be signing later in the day. Ken D. suggested that while at the ranch I might try putting down some thoughts for the farewell address. Ken also reminded me that 11 A.M. I would have a full briefing on the budget I must submit. In the meantime Dan Crippen gave me a little advance on it. A. B. Culvahouse came in to discuss who I’d turn to as legal counsel when I left office. I told him I already retained a firm of which Bill Smith was a member.
N.S.C.—Sofear of St. Dept. is going to the Hague about the Iranian funds we still have tied up and which we need to turn over to them. A B-1 Bomber crashed last night. Crew all safe. Apparently it was pilot error not a failure of the plane. Last word on Persian Gulf is that we can make another reduction of our forces there. Then some desk time & bills to sign but only briefly. The Pres. of Bangladesh (Ershad) came by for a brief visit. We’ve been helping them with their flood situation. Then the budget briefing. More desk time & lunch. A photo with a staff members family. Then over to E.O.B. for ceremony—10 awards for Preservation of Historic sites. Then meeting with George Shultz after photos with his entire family—18 in all. Occasion is a daughter getting married. Then Georges regular meeting. This time he had Chet Crocker reporting on the Angola situation & the schedule for Cuban troops going home. Out to the Rose Garden for annual presentation of Turkey. The bird isn’t the one they give us to eat—it’s a 50 lb. monster. Finally up to get Nancy then down to East Room for signing of Drug Bill—The Anti-drug Abuse Act of 1988. Quite a turnout. Congressmen, Cabinet, the father & mother of a young policeman Dave Byrne—murdered by a drug pusher, & the mother of a girl brutally raped & murdered by 3 Pornographers. Upstairs more bill signing & paperwork, then exercise, shower, dinner & early to bed.