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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 11/17/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-17-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan tours the facility where the summit will be held in Geneva, Switzerland.

View the President's Schedule
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I awoke at 9:15 after a pretty good nights sleep. Nancy slept till around 10, then we had breakfast. It’s a gray day but the view from our windows over the formal lawn & gardens & on to Lake Geneva is lovely. A visit to where we’ll hold the Tues. meeting & where I hope to get Gorbachev aside for a one on one. There is a pool house down on the Lake shore complete with fireplace. I’ll try to talk him into a walk. The press is excited about the leak of a letter to me from Cap on why I shouldn’t be trapped into endorsing continued observance of SALT II. It is a great distortion & is not as the press would have it an in house battle. I agree with Cap & wanted his factual accounting in writing.

Ron came for dinner—a nice time for the 3 of us.

Ronald Reagan Pen