Diary Entry - 11/16/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan participate in an official state arrival ceremony, meetings, and a state dinner with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain.
President Reagan meets with Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem.
Voters in Pakistan cast ballots in their first open election in eleven years, resulting in a victory for populist candidate Benazir Bhutto.
Trade deficit figures. We have highest level of exports in history & the deficit is lowest it’s been in years.
Resignations are coming in. George has announced he’s turning down Nick Bradys & keeping him on as Sec. of the Treasury.
Same discussion of helping resolve the situation of so many “Savings & Loans” that face financial ruin. We’re going to make some appts. “Recess”—people Sen. has not acted on.
N.S.C.—Tomorrow I have to make certification of no nuclear weapons in Pakistan.
Colin, Webster & Geo. S. met with Kohl on Chemical warfare. Some German businesses are participating in construction of a nuc. weapon plant in Libya. He says he’ll put a stop to this. After the P.L.O. statements that looked like they were going to recognize Israel as a nation—now spokesmen are saying they have not made such agreements.
Then it was briefing time for Thatcher visit. At 10 A.M. we meet her & Dennis on S. Lawn. The regular ceremony—19 gun salute—Mil. on hand & we inspected the troops. Her speech was a eulogy to me & our admin. She praised me as having changed the whole world. Then the receiving line & the meeting in the Oval O. She really is a great stateswoman. A bit of desk time—then lunch in Study. Out to Oval O. to meet Mayor Teddy Kollek—Jerusalem. He presented me with a 15th century map of the middle East. Then I received the P.S.I. in Ed. Report. The pvt. sector has gone from 40,000 business & school partnerships to 142,000 & they are still growing.
Then over to the East Wing—1st Ladys garden for a photo session—the pic. of Nancy & me we’ll use for picture requests once we leave here.
Tonite—State Dinner for Margaret Thatcher. It was a wonderful evening & a great mix of people—from Orel Hershiser the great Dodger pitcher, to Billy Graham, Loretta Young & on & on. There was an air of nostalgia—our final state dinner etc. We got upstairs about midnight.