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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 11/16/1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan participate in an official state arrival ceremony, meetings, and a state dinner with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain.

  • President Reagan meets with Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem.

  • Voters in Pakistan cast ballots in their first open election in eleven years, resulting in a victory for populist candidate Benazir Bhutto.

View the President's Schedule
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Trade deficit figures. We have highest level of exports in history & the deficit is lowest it’s been in years.

Resignations are coming in. George has announced he’s turning down Nick Bradys & keeping him on as Sec. of the Treasury.

Same discussion of helping resolve the situation of so many “Savings & Loans” that face financial ruin. We’re going to make some appts. “Recess”—people Sen. has not acted on.

N.S.C.—Tomorrow I have to make certification of no nuclear weapons in Pakistan.

Colin, Webster & Geo. S. met with Kohl on Chemical warfare. Some German businesses are participating in construction of a nuc. weapon plant in Libya. He says he’ll put a stop to this. After the P.L.O. statements that looked like they were going to recognize Israel as a nation—now spokesmen are saying they have not made such agreements.

Then it was briefing time for Thatcher visit. At 10 A.M. we meet her & Dennis on S. Lawn. The regular ceremony—19 gun salute—Mil. on hand & we inspected the troops. Her speech was a eulogy to me & our admin. She praised me as having changed the whole world. Then the receiving line & the meeting in the Oval O. She really is a great stateswoman. A bit of desk time—then lunch in Study. Out to Oval O. to meet Mayor Teddy Kollek—Jerusalem. He presented me with a 15th century map of the middle East. Then I received the P.S.I. in Ed. Report. The pvt. sector has gone from 40,000 business & school partnerships to 142,000 & they are still growing.

Then over to the East Wing—1st Ladys garden for a photo session—the pic. of Nancy & me we’ll use for picture requests once we leave here.

Tonite—State Dinner for Margaret Thatcher. It was a wonderful evening & a great mix of people—from Orel Hershiser the great Dodger pitcher, to Billy Graham, Loretta Young & on & on. There was an air of nostalgia—our final state dinner etc. We got upstairs about midnight.

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