Diary Entry - 11/15/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan welcomes Prime Minister Thatcher, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, to Camp David.
President Reagan makes a radio address to the Nation on bipartisan consensus in Congress.
Margaret Thatcher arrived. I met the helicopter in a golf cart & brought her back to Aspen [Lodge] where we had a good one on one re our Iceland meetings & what we are trying to achieve in arms reductions. She had some legitimate concerns. I was able to reassure her. Then we went down to Laurel [Lodge] where I did the radio cast then lunch—a working lunch with her sec. & Ambas. in attendance plus Don R., Geo. S., John P., & some W.H. staff. We covered the Iran setup etc. She & the others left. Later in Wash. she did a press conf. & went to bat for us. Most helpful.