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Visit StoreNovember
November 14, 1984
An interesting lunch with Dr. Richard Leakey the anthropologist & the Nat. Geographic board. A good time was had by all. The Dr.—son of the Leakeys who’ve done so much work on the origin of man, is carrying on and lives in Kenya. A long meeting with Sec. Shultz. We have trouble. Cap & Bill Casey have views contrary to George’s on S. Am., the middle East & our arms negotiations. It’s so out of hand George sounds like he wants out. I cant let that happen. Actually George is carrying out my policy. I’m going to meet with Cap & Bill & lay it out to them. Wont be fun but has to be done. A more pleasant task—meeting then with task force on legal equity for women. They’ve made great progress & accomplished a great deal. Had to sit for a sculptor who is doing the inaugural medal—took about 40 mins. Home & Mother.
Forgot to mention—yesterday I phoned a 19 yr. old boy who has terminal cancer. I’d heard that he told someone he wished he could talk to me. We had a good visit. He’s quite a fine young man.