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November 05, 1981
Not too busy a day but a serious one. A very secret paper somehow made its way to the N.Y. Times. We have to find a way to end this endless & dangerous leaking. Called in Dick Allen & Al Haig and ordered a halt to the sniping—wherever it’s coming from so we can stop this press obsession that we are having chaos & feuding in the admin. Then met with 36 money managers who control some $400 bil. in investments. They are solidly behind our ec. program & wanted more than anything to hear that we weren’t going to back down. A long afternoon N.S.C. meeting. We plan to talk to the world via T.V. just prior to Breshnev’s visit to Germany to announce that in the I.N.F. arms limit talks we’ll ask for total elimination of Theatre Nuclear weapons in Europe. The Central American situation is going sour. Nicaragua is becoming an armed camp with the most modern weapons & an army disproportionate to it’s size or its needs.