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Visit StoreOctober
October 30, 1987
Usual staff time & N.S.C. meeting. Howard is taking Ginsburg up to the Hill to meet with some Senators. I taped my Sat. radio cast. An early lunch—then a briefing for meeting with Shevardnadze & then the meeting. George & Frank had been with them for some time & both sides had agreed to a communiqué to be released simultaneously. Shevardnadze had brought me a letter from Gorbachev. It was statesmanlike & indicated a real desire for us to work out any differences. The outcome of the letter & meetings was a summit to start here on Dec. 7. Purpose to sign I.N.F. agreement and set in motion START treaty to reduce I.C.B.M.’s by 50% & to finalize that at a summit in Moscow next Spring. On that note of optimism we lifted off the S. Lawn for Andrews A.F.B. & Air Force 1. With me on trip to Phoenix—all of Dicks family. Arrived around 5 P.M. at Ariz. Biltmore & met a tired Nancy who has been making all arrangements & closing down Deedees dwelling. Nine of us for dinner here in the suite—that included Ron & Doria. A pleasant reunion & so to bed.