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Diary Entry - 10/29/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 10-29-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting to discuss the Soviet arms reduction proposal.

View the President's Schedule
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A long d--n day. Finale to our Soviet sailor episode. Finally today our team of experienced experts questioned him at great length. He now says he fell off the ship. When asked why he jumped off the boat taking him back to the ship he says he has no memory of that. Now he declares he wants to see his mother & father again—so he’s been turned over to the Soviets.

We had an N.S.P.G. meeting on how & when to respond to the Soviet arms reduction proposal. I think we are coming close to an agreement—namely to offer a counter based on compromise between our original proposal & theirs. After lunch I went over to E.O.B. to speak to about 200 of the Protestant Lay Leaders & Clergy who are working to prevent school dropouts & provide employment for young people. I briefed them on tax reform.

Then an interview with B.B.C. radio—it went well. Ended the afternoon with a series of visits—Reps. & Sens. bringing in special visitors. One a lovely, young artist & her husband & son. She presented me with a painting of myself on horseback which she had done. It’s very good. Another brought in a Hungarian freedom fighter who has been an American for 26 yrs. He makes brass candlesticks—(very handsome) & presented me with a pair. Then a 6th grader representing her class of 42 schoolmates brought us a beautiful quilt they had made. Then a young couple. He does imitations of me at a theatre group called the Hexagon. And finally an elderly couple with an antique fan dating back to U.S. Grant who received it as a gift from the Japanese. Almost every Pres. since Grant had autographed it. They wanted me to sign it & I did.

The day wound up with 2 back to back appearances at 2 diff. Hotels. First was a fundraiser for Sen. Abnor of S.D. Second was a reception celebrating 3 yrs. of the McLaughlin T.V. show. Home & Mother.

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