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Visit StoreOctober
October 27, 1981
Never left the residence except for a 5 min. trip downstairs to receive a book by Angus Gavin & presented him with a plaque. He is a true conservationist—a nature lover. Rest of the day was spent meeting Senators. We decided the “study” was better for a 1 on 1 than the Oval office. Met 11 all told. One—Sen. Schmitt brought 3 Jewish friends. I think I did better at convincing them the A.W.A.C.S. deal was good for Israel than I did with some of the Senators. I’m afraid to say how I did but I feel “cautiously optimistic”—that means I feel good. A bumpy A.F.1 ride to Richmond for the Marshall Coleman rally (Gov. cand.—Va.) Sen. John Warner along with several Congressmen. Mils Godwin was the key. He has endorsed Coleman but remained very quiet. Tonite he unleashed a blockbuster speech. The crowd was enthusiastic and I think maybe we did some good.