Diary Entry - 10/26/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with a group of bipartisan Members of Congress to discuss procedures for deficit reduction talks.
President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with the spiritual leader of Armenians, his Holiness Vasken I.
Head of Salvadoran Human Rights-Commission is assassinated by death squads.
Reversed our morning schedule—N.S.C. 1st. George told of his Meeting with Mrs. Nudel—just released from Soviet prison. She related a talk with Sakharov. He says Soviets are experimenting regarding their system, glasnost & all. She advises us to milk the experiment.
Staff meeting later—we’ve decided on Ann McLaughlin for Sec. of Labor. Jim Baker attended & we prepped ourselves for meeting with Cong. leadership. Met them in Cabinet room & came to agreement on a team of theirs & ours to negotiate on budget & how to avoid sequester which no one wants even though it’s their (the Dem’s) baby.
A brief meeting & photo with His Holiness Vasken I—Pope of the Armenian church.
At 11:30 meeting with Geo. Shultz—more reports on trip—this time Middle East & problems with getting approval of international conf. to help get Arab-Israeli peace. This time P.M. Shamir is willing & King Hussein says no. After lunch over to hotel for an after lunch speech to Repub. Inner Circle lunch. They are fund raisers for our Sen. Campaign committee. Big turn out & a sizable group of Hollywood celebrities on hand.
Back to the W.H. & an interview with 5 foreign T.V. persons. Right after that—schedule was cancelled. Kathy told me word had come that Nancys mother died this afternoon. I came home & told her the news. It was heartbreaking. We’ve cancelled my schedule for tomorrow. I’m taking her to Phoenix and then I’ll fly back here. She’ll stay there & arrange for a church service Fri. or Sat. I’ll then fly out & return with her.