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October 26, 1982
Down to N. Car. for campaign. Gave the press a bit of a jiggle when we boarded the Marine 1 on the S. Lawn. There was a smell of fuel & something wrong with an instrument. Capt. ordered us to disembark and get away from the machine. Everything turned out OK and we got on board. N.C. was great—1st stop a big rally in big arena & more enthusiasm than you could believe. All the Cong. candidates & Sens. Helms & East were there. Things look good. Then a meeting with several So. St. Repub. Chmn. They were upbeat about our chances. Presented Kate Smith with Medal of Freedom. She is in very bad health (stroke). Finally a fundraiser then back to A.F.1 & Wash. to a lonely W.H. Nancy is in N.Y. in connection with her book. Mkt. which had gone down on Mon. about 42 points went back up 11. Also got news of Sept. price index—inflation for ’82 now running at only 4.8%.