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Visit StoreOctober
October 22, 1985
Started the day with a meeting of Repub. Cong. leadership. I hope we did some good with them on the Gramm-Rudman bill & Tax reform. Then an N.S.C. meeting—Paul Laxalt reported on his visit with Pres. Marcos of the Philippines. His report as to the President’s health & alertness completely contrary to widespread press reports that he is failing & not mentally alert. I suspect an element in the St. Dept. bureaucracy is anti Marcos & helps the false reporting along.
Then an N.S.P.G. meeting on how we reply to the Soviets Arms proposals. We’re still working on that. My own idea is that we undermine their propaganda plan by offering a counter proposal which stresses our acceptance of some of their figures—such as a 50% cut in weapons & a total of 6,000 war heads etc. Those are pretty much like what we’ve already proposed.
Met with P.M. Blaize of Grenada—he’s undergoing therapy for Cancer. He’s a bright & decent man.
A photo with Kamoya Kimeu an archaeologist who received from me the Nat. Geographic medal for scientific achievement.
Then a meeting with House appropriations committee—subject S.D.I.Hope we did some good. They’ve made noises about reducing the funding for S.D.I.
Upstairs & a meeting with some Sens. in the treaty room. Well it was Senators & Representatives. Subject was the campaign of ’86 & our plans for holding our own in the Sen. & trying to increase our hold on the House. Traditionally the mid-term election of a Presidents 2nd term shows a great loss.