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October 21, 1987

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Diary Entry - 10/21/1987

Wednesday, October 21, 1987

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Our 9 A.M. meeting had to do with our possible summit with Cong. leadership. Jim Wright has stormed that he wont meet if we bring Jim Miller (Dir. of O.M.B.) My inclination is to tell him to go to h--l. Some talk also of replacements for Bork & Bill Brock.

N.S.C.—was pretty much a recital of our act in P. Gulf & then preparation for a drop by of King of Lesotho. A short but pleasant meeting. Then brief for meeting with Pres. of Honduras Ascona. He arrived at 11—a good meeting with him & his cabinet members. He is a sound ally. Then over to E.O.B. to speak to a sizable group of leaders in all fields who are gathered together in a “Network on Foreign Affairs Funding.”

Lunch & some personal time—which means desk work. Then over to Family Theatre to rehearse for tomorrow nites press conf. 2 hours. Upstairs—and off to the hospital at 5 P.M.—tomorrow morning I bring her home.

Market closed—at the bell it was up 188 pts. on 438 mil. shares traded.

An informal an hour later was 186.72 & 450 mil. share.

Off to the hospital—told press I’d be bringing Nancy home in the morning.