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October 18, 1988
Some talk about Nancy then newest poll on Bush in Wall St. Journal—he’s jumped way ahead of Dukakis. Something like that has happened in Canada—Mulroney is in first place with 43%. Then we decided I’ll attend the dinner where Nancy is being honored Thursday. And some talk about my campaigning.
N.S.C.—An attempted coup in Haiti—3 Lt’s. taken captive. More about the Mexican loan. Papandreau P.M. of Greece—open heart surgery—now a relapse & infection set in. After N.S.C. meeting—Ken D. stayed behind to recommend some promotions for a number of my people including Kathy & Jim K. After a desk session—bill signing etc. A photo & short visit with Patriarch Sabbah—of Philistine Catholics in Israel. Then lunch & at 12:45 photos with 8 West wing guards. At 12:50 Dr. Hutton—at his office. Sneeze shot & molds were taken of my ears for new hearing aids.
At 1:30 Kathy & Fred Ryan for some talk about my office in L.A. We’ll have a staff of 13 & Nancy will have 4 of her own. Then a meeting with George S. Talked mostly about Central Am. But 1st a brief meeting with Sen. Stennis about a promotion for Admiral presently assigned to N.A.S.A. I’m in favor A session of tapings—7 all told. Then upstairs for exercise & shower. Nancy is very upset about the fuss raised over her wardrobe. Dinner & bed.