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October 18, 1985
A huddle on the speech to the U.N. next week. Some wanted it more harsh toward the Soviets than I think it should be. I won. N.S.C. meeting—wide disagreement on whether to make a new presentation on the M.B.F.R. talks in Vienna. They’ve been going on for 10 yrs. Kohl & Thatcher want a new proposal—D.O.D. opposes. I’m inclined to go with K. & T. For one thing they hang their proposal on a strict, intrusive verification procedure. If the U.S.S.R. doesn’t agree—no reduction in forces. If they do agree it will be the 1st time ever.
I met with some top C.E.O.’s to solicit their help with Cong. on our deficit plan.
The Egyptian Ambas. came by with a lengthy letter from Moubarak. Pres. M. is pleading for understanding but still charging us with humiliating him etc. The Ambas. almost in a whisper said—“put yourself in our place.” I said: “that should be mutual.”
Over to E.O.B. to pitch the deficit plan to a coalition of groups supporting—reduce the deficit.
Nancy came over to the Oval O. & we met with a group of board members of the R.R. Library Foundation. The topic was choosing an architect for the Library etc. Another meeting with Geo. S.—topic—the summit & then upstairs.