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October 15, 1985

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Diary Entry - 10/15/1985

Tuesday, October 15, 1985

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A long day but a rewarding one. Off at 8:35 to Boise Idaho to do a fund raiser for Steve Symms. It was a beautiful day in the West although as we left Idaho we saw 5 forest fires burning in the mountains. But in the auditorium at Boise State U. there was a different kind of fire—all the high school bands in the County & a jam packed crowd that cheered almost every other line of my remarks. On arrival at the airport there were 2500 & a band—I winged a brief few words to them too.

Then it was back on board & off to Mil. Wis. for Bob Kastens fund raiser—the same enthusiasm & everywhere a re-newed patriotism over our handling of the hi-jackers.

Back to Wash. at 10 P.M.—Nancy miserable from her preparations for a physical exam.