Diary Entry - 10/12/1982

Key Facts
The President and First Lady participate in a welcoming celebration for President and Mrs. Soeharto of the Republic of Indonesia.
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for H.R. 6976, the Missing Children's Act.
The prime rate in U.S. banks is cut to 12%.
1st day back—seemed like a Monday. Pres. & Mrs. Soharto of Indonesia arrived—usual ceremony—good meetings & magnificent State dinner. Entertainment a very charming, opera singer who captivated everyone Fredericka Von Stabe. Lunched with George B. at his Exec. Bldg. office. Signed the Omnibus Crime bill & Missing Children’s Act. A young couple with their 3 mo. old baby there. They had had a 7 yr. old son kidnaped & murdered. Cabinet meeting on agri. problems. We want to guaranty sanctity of contracts on grain sales for 180 days. It might help farm prices. Sec. Watt came over for signing bill that repeals the 1902 water bill—a bane to the West.