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October 07, 1983

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Diary Entry - 10/07/1983

Friday, October 7, 1983

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Off to Louisville Ky. On way to Helicopter greeted Santa Clare U. Board who were touring W.H. On A.F.1 Sec’s Dole & Heckler & a Congressman from Louisville. Also Loretta Rupe (Pc. Corps). In KY addressed the Nat. Fed. of Repub. Women. There were 2000 delegates and they gave 2 standing ovations during the speech, one for prayer in schools & 1 for our stand on a strong nat. defense. Did 2 fundraising receptions for our Repub. Gov. candidate Bunning—former Big League pitcher—both leagues. His opponent is a woman—incumbent Lt. Gov. He is a state Sen. He started far back but has come up in the polls. Back at Andrews met by Nancy, Ron & Doria. Into Marine One & off to Camp David.