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September 30, 1982

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Diary Entry - 09/30/1982

Thursday, September 30, 1982

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Cabinet council meeting on crime. We’re really launching an attack on organized crime & the drug epidemic. It’s astounding to learn that 243 drug addicts over an 11 yr. period committed 500,000 crimes. The Cong. got the 218 names on the discharge petition & brought the “balanced bud.” amendment to the floor. I went up to the Capitol to speak to them. Tonite our annual B.B.Q. on the S. Lawn with our cook team from Santa Maria Calif. Entertainment featured Roger Williams—pianist & Tammy Wynette (country singer). We also had the army chorus. A sad day though—4 of our Marines in Beirut stepped on a mine or a part of a cluster bomb that hadn’t exploded. We’re still getting the details. One a corporal named Reagan was killed the others wounded.