Diary Entry - 09/28/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan spends the morning in a series of meetings with Members of Congress to discuss the situation in Lebanon and pending legislation.
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to recognize 152 outstanding secondary schools chosen to receive awards for "Excellence in Education".
A morning with Congress. First meeting was with our Congressional leadership. We discussed “continuing resolution” & the compromise on Lebanon. Then I met with Sens. Percy & Pressler. Pressler is reluctant about the Lebanon bill. I dont know whether I convinced him or not but I tried. The 3rd meeting was with a group of our Congressmen who are hesitant about Lebanon. We poured it on & now as I write this word comes the bill has passed with only 27 Repubs. deserting us. On the S. Lawn Principals, Supt’s. & Board Pres’s. of 152 high schools chosen as top ed. inst’s. were gathered to receive flags designating their excellence. I addressed them & was happy to do so. Cabinet Council on Management & Admin. met for a report. We’re doing great & are ahead of schedule on reducing Fed. employees by 75,000. Many management improvements recommended by the Grace Task force are being implemented & the savings over the years will be in the bils. of $. Met with Fowler of F.C.C. on the networks request to have syndicating ownership rights of shows produced for network showing. I’m opposed. In Rose Garden met the Australian & American crews of the sail boats in the American Cup race which was won by Australia. The 1st time the Cup has left the U.S. in 132 yrs.