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September 27, 1988

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Diary Entry - 09/27/1988

Tuesday, September 27, 1988

View the President's Schedule

Up fairly early—Ken D. & Bea & Colin came in for a little routine work & a bill to sign. All this at the Waldorf Astoria of course. Then at 9:30 down stairs for a gathering of N.A.T.O. & Allied Foreign Ministers. A round table discussion of our future & it turned out unanimous agreement on the importance of preserving our unity.

Back upstairs for a brief time then into another room for a meeting first with Foreign Minister Khan of Pakistan. A worthwhile meeting to make contact with the new admin. there since Pres. Pias [Zia’s] tragic death.

Then a meeting with F. Min. Rao of India—this too was worthwhile. We’ve had a good relationship with P.M. Ghandi & a meeting like this helps.

Back to the suite & saw Nancy off to her luncheon date with friends, then lunch myself. And a couple of hours of reading. Met Nancy downstairs—a little late—N.Y. traffic held her up. Motorcade to Wharf—into Marine 1 & back to Newark airport. Then A.F.1 to Wash. & back at the W.H. a little after 4 P.M. Exercises, shower & dinner with Merme & Dennis who are just back from a week in Africa. Then we ran the tape of my U.N. Speech.