Diary Entry - 09/27/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid.
President Reagan meets with President of the Republic of Peru, Fernando Belaunde Terry.
President Reagan discusses the current domestic and international economic climate with Secretary of the Treasury, Donald T. Regan.
A full one beginning with a visit by Pres. Belaunda of Peru. He’s fighting great ec. problems & the ever present threat of a mil. coup. He’s a good man. Don Regan gave an Ec. briefing. Int. rates have dropped as of today—12 3⁄4 by all banks to 12 1⁄2 by Wells Fargo.
Did a taped 5 min. commercial then a briefing for tomorrows meeting with Gromyko. A meeting with Bob Michel re candidates for Cong. I mean to help them all I can. Another meeting this time with Foreign Minister Abdel Maquid of Egypt. He delivered a letter from Pres. Moubaryk [Mubarak]. Some progress—Jordan has signed on with Egypt—the 1st Arab state to do so since the treaty with Israel. Finally a photo with students representing vocational ed. Then a long tape session including a lot of spot T.V. ads for candidates.