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Visit StoreSeptember
September 25, 1983
Off to N.Y. for U.N. opening. A beautiful Fall day—even in N.Y. Landed as usual in N.J.—met by Gov. Kean then Marine 1 to the helipad at 30th St. N.Y. on the Hudson. Checked in at the Waldorf. A working lunch with Sec. Gen. of the U.N. Perez de Cuellar. He’s a good man & really trying to make the U.N. effective. After the lunch Nancy & I visited Cardinal Cooke who is dying of Leukemia. A brief prayer ceremony had been scheduled in his private chapel—without him of course. But then we went to his bedroom & concluded the final prayer with him. He is a brave & good man & has been most supportive of what we’re doing. Back to the hotel & a meeting with Prince Sihanouk & Son Sahn [Son Sann] of Kampuchea. They are fighting gamely to take their country back from the Vietnam communists. A meeting with Pres. Doe of Liberia. He too is a friend & we’re trying to help him with his ec. problems. Finished the day with the U.N. reception—Jeanne Kirkpatrick hostess. Mayor Koch was there. We did a receiving line & then I said a few words. Upstairs for dinner & bed.